STEEP GLOBAL DECLINES IN ECOLOGICAL QUALITY, AS WELL AS STEEP INCREASES IN ECOLOGICAL DESECRATION, may have already crossed the point where desecration can be reversed.
The Great Renascent Work of the 21st Century involves the reintegration of human life into the larger Earth Community. [See Thomas Berry, The Great Work].
Earth is not a platform for human life. It’s a living being. We’re not on it, but part of it. It’s health is our health (Thomas Moore).
see also blog: Iowa Water
For a caustic look at the decimation of Iowa water and soil primarily by corporate agriculture that has insulated itself from meaningful public health intervention on both on a state and federal legislative and administrative level. Ecological problems cased by this intentional decimation are now at the level of a public health crisis for Iowa's citizens and for the water quality of the distant gulf as well as to the flora and fauna in Iowa and downstream and underlying water table.