Saturday, December 12, 2015

Cosmic Nature: Mega-verse

Past To Present

FOR MILLENIA, IN MYRIAD CULTURES, COSMOS was powerful and the ultimate landscape that contained the sources of life itself—the Sun, Sol/Surya/Ra...—and human life [where the gods dwelled and continued to direct human life.  This cosmos was essentially a ceiling of starlight with Earth at its center.

At an important turning point, the photon and the measurement of its speed suddenly moved all of the stars away from the Earth at incredible distances.   For the illuminati or high culture of that era, cosmos became a deep field of stars.

And again, with the discovery that some of the blurs of light were dense clusters of billions of stars, cosmos became a deep field of galaxies that seemed only limited by the quality of our measures to see them.  The blur across the night sky was recognized to be a view through the galaxy in which Sol was positioned in the outer reach of an arm of this spiral galaxy.

And quickly, it was recognized that these galaxies were moving outward, expanding the universe that was synonymous with cosmos.  Gradually, a sense of space as being empty was completely turned over in favor of a sense of space as having form and energy and inseparability from matter.  And soon, it was recognized that the speed of this expansion was accelerating, and that this expansion was likely due to the influence of dark energy that was present everywhere and that comprised ninety percent of the content of the universe.

The nature of cosmos has dramatically changed from a ceiling to a universe of expanding galaxies with cosmological speculation of multiverses that interact.  An understanding of the nature of dark matter is considered to be an important step in taking the next quantum leap.  If anything is “known,” it is that human understanding of the nature of cosmos will continue to make astonishing quantum leaps.  The once vast, uninhabited landscapes of Earth—forests, deserts, oceans—were long-viewed as wastelands needing human use to activate them.  Now, there are recognized as active, complex ecosystems.

Human Conceptions Beyond Earth:

Ceiling of Stars


Mega-verse, from Symmetry & Familiarity

RESOLUTION OF THE PREDOMINANT questions of the moment, such as the nature of dark matter, will not be blocked by the limits of our measures.  We will likely soon discover particle remnants of dark energy as we increase the energy of our particle accelerators.  This may appear to reveal the structure of dark matter but it will not fully recognize its real nature.  As in the past, the problem will be the smallness of our model of the universe/cosmos.

The present model of the universe has measured a beginning point—the Big Bang—and the acceleration of the space occupied by the accelerating matter and energy form.   And when we explore questions as to galactic life cycles, galactic evolution, and the end or continuance of the universe, we approach these questions from the perspective that influences will come from within since everything began with the Big Bang.   We would approach the question for the increasing acceleration of the initial Big Bang, which, like any explosion or like water rings moving out from a drop of water, should be decreasing given our present understanding.  Such a perspective may be akin to resolving questions from the perspective of approaching the cosmos as a ceiling or as a gathering of stars.

A new view:  The Big Bang is a “blossoming” of energy within a much larger mega-universe.  Just as we abruptly approached astro-ecology from the perspective of the ceiling and then from a community of stars and then from a collection of galaxies, we now approach the question from a larger perspective that may cause acceleration and flow of galaxies and open us to other phenomena.  In this mega universe, there would be other blossomings of energy, with each blossom being the equivalent of our present day universe.  The interaction of vast forces, well beyond the dimensions of our present sense of the universe, could provoke bursts of energy such as a Big Bang.

In this mega-universe, dark matter would be present in various densities.  Imagine dark matter as having something akin to a ocean or liquid form, a more solid mass form and a gaseous [atmosphere/deep space] form.  In the deep density of the ocean-like dark matter form, the energy or nutrient upwelling would produce luminous blooms or Big Bang bursts of universes.  The acceleration of the bloom would be determined by the “flow” of this ocean-like dark matter.  And there might be events in this deep density of the depths of fluid and solid dark matter that would be astonishingly different than anything like stars and galaxies.

This model has symmetry and familiarity with the dynamics of Earth process [with Earth as a dimension of the lifespan of a star] that is determined by the lifespan of a galaxy.

In summary, we always challenge the current model of the universe as restricted.  Then, with this larger context, we can see, for example, why galaxies would be accelerating.  And we would see other events that we have not yet described, such as the wavy, rather than straight-lined, “flight” of galaxies.

And so how to see this field that is beyond our measures, when we cannot see the beginning of the Big Bang or the edge of the galactic universe?  We already do this.  Einstein/Hawking/Crick& Watson, et al. 

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